Which Word Does Not Belong - Quiz
Listen to these words. Write down which word does not belong with the other four.
2, airplane, watermelon, bus, train, bicycle,
3, Monday, Thursday, hat, Tuesday, Wednesday,
4, January, April, fish, February, March,
5, one, three, shirt, two, four,
6, brother, sister, boat, father, mother,
7, chair, bench, elephant, desk, table,
8, pork, lamb, pencil, chicken, beef,
9, soda, car, water, juice, milk,
10, hat, scarf, dog, cap, gloves,
11, USA, computer, Brazil, Mexico, Canada,
12, cat, apple, fish, bird, dog,
13, paper, journal, notebook, airplane, textbook,
14, pen, marker, bicycle, pencil, crayon,
15, New York, Tokyo, grapes, Paris, London,
16, bread, train, cereal, rice, pasta,
17, stool, lion, desk, table, chair,
18, chicken, lamb, book, pork, beef,
19, orange, apple, bus, banana, pear,
20, lettuce, broccoli, car, carrot, spinach,
21, desk, bench, chair, shirt, table,
22, paper, cat, textbook, journal, notebook,
23, marker, pencil, bus, pen, crayon,
24, university, academy, apple, college, school,
25, March, January, cat, April, February,
26, sister, bus, mother, father, brother,
27, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, hat, Thursday,
28, January, Sunday, February, Saturday, apple,
29, May, dog, July, June, April,
30, November, December, apple, September, October,
31, one, three, pencil, four, two,
32, seven, nine, dog, eight, six,
33, twelve, book, eleven, fourteen, thirteen,
34, eighteen, bird, nineteen, seventeen, sixteen,
35, twenty-four, twenty-two, twenty-one, dog, twenty-three,
36, orange, pear, book, apple, banana,
37, stool, lion, desk, chair, table,
38, chicken, pork, lamb, book, beef,
39, milk, cat, water, soda, juice,
40, cap, scarf, fish, hat, gloves,
42, fish, bird, dog, apple, cat,
43, bread, cereal, train, pasta, rice,
44, pork, beef, lamb, chicken, book,
45, banana, orange, apple, bus, pear,
46, table, bench, elephant, chair, desk,
47, New York, London, Tokyo, grapes, Paris,
48, March, January, fish, February, April,
49, two, four, shirt, one, three,
50, brother, mother, boat, father, sister,
51, hat, gloves, cap, scarf, dog,
52, USA, Mexico, Brazil, computer, Canada,
53, juice, soda, milk, car, water,
54, broccoli, carrot, lettuce, spinach, car,
55, grape, orange, apple, banana, car,
56, bus, bicycle, train, watermelon, airplane,
57, paper, notebook, journal, textbook, cat,
58, lamb, chicken, beef, pork, pencil,
59, milk, juice, soda, car, water,
60, hat, cap, gloves, scarf, dog,
61, journal, notebook, paper, textbook, apple,
62, pen, marker, bicycle, crayon, pencil,
63, pork, beef, chicken, lamb, pencil,
64, spinach, carrot, lettuce, car, broccoli,
65, cap, dog, hat, gloves, scarf,
66, banana, grape, apple, orange, car,
67, bird, dog, apple, fish, cat,
68, juice, soda, car, milk, water,
69, carrot, spinach, car, lettuce, broccoli,
70, bird, fish, dog, cat, apple,
71, airplane, lion, tiger, bear, wolf,
72, giraffe, table, chair, desk, bench,
73, umbrella, January, February, March, April,
74, bicycle, red, blue, green, yellow,
75, elephant, pen, pencil, marker, crayon,
76, helicopter, pizza, burger, sandwich, hotdog,
77, screwdriver, rose, tulip, daisy, lily,
78, stapler, Paris, London, Tokyo, New York,
79, dragon, milk, tea, coffee, juice,
80, computer, father, mother, sister, brother,
82, piano, spaceship, guitar, violin, drums,
83, Wednesday, pizza, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
84, blanket, stars, planet, moon, sun,
85, apple, mango, banana, cherry, tractor,
86, broccoli, plane, train, car, bus,
87, screwdriver, France, Germany, Spain, Italy,
88, kangaroo, sweater, jacket, scarf, coat,
89, spaceship, dentist, nurse, doctor, surgeon,
90, rose, tulip, lily, daisy, giraffe,
91, lamb, pencil, chicken, beef, pork,
92, town, village, suburb, carrot, city,
93, laptop, tablet, smartphone, piano, desktop,
94, flash, grapes, camera, lens, tripod,
95, lamp, fan, cooler, screwdriver, heater,
96, teacher, principal, librarian, spaceship, student,
97, April, February, hammer, January, March,
98, wolf, tiger, lion, bear, chair,
99, giraffe, pizza, hotdog, sandwich, burger,
100, dragon, table, chair, desk, bench,
101, pencil, rose, tulip, daisy, lily,
102, father, mother, screwdriver, brother, sister,
103, butterfly, France, Spain, Germany, Italy,
104, plane, bus, apple, train, car,
105, nurse, dentist, surgeon, computer, doctor,
106, sun, planet, moon, camera, stars,
107, coffee, juice, butterfly, milk, tea,
108, tablet, smartphone, apple, desktop, laptop,
109, tiger, lion, camera, wolf, bear,
110, March, January, grapes, February, April,
111, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, apple, Tuesday,
112, banana, January, February, April, March,
113, mother, brother, father, grape, sister,
114, desk, chair, table, orange, bench,
115, bird, fish, car, dog, elephant,
116, apple, orange, train, pear, banana,
117, March, January, bus, February, April,
118, beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bicycle,
119, bread, pasta, rice, airplane, cereal,
120, cap, hat, watermelon, gloves, scarf,Listen
122, chair, bench, desk, Tuesday, table,
123, brother, sister, father, mother, Wednesday,
124, January, Thursday, March, February, April,
125, fish, elephant, dog, hat, bird,
126, bread, pasta, January, cereal, rice,
127, scarf, February, hat, cap, gloves,
128, chicken, March, pork, lamb, beef,
129, father, April, brother, mother, sister,
130, banana, apple, fish, grape, orange,
131, table, one, desk, bench, chair,
132, cereal, rice, pasta, two, bread,
133, scarf, gloves, three, cap, hat,
134, elephant, bird, dog, fish, four,
135, shirt, March, January, April, February,
136, grape, apple, brother, banana, orange,
137, scarf, cap, hat, gloves, sister,
138, dog, bird, elephant, mother, fish,
139, desk, table, father, chair, bench,
140, cereal, boat, rice, bread, pasta,
141, apple, orange, chair, banana, grape,
142, table, January, April, February, March,
143, desk, father, brother, sister, mother,
144, bench, hat, scarf, gloves, cap,
145, bird, fish, dog, elephant, chair,
146, bench, desk, chair, table, chicken,
147, orange, apple, banana, beef, grape,
148, rice, bread, pork, cereal, pasta,
149, hat, lamb, gloves, scarf, cap,
150, elephant, dog, pencil, bird, fish,
151, table, desk, milk, chair, bench,
152, brother, mother, father, juice, sister,
153, March, April, January, February, water,
154, hat, scarf, cap, soda, gloves,
155, bird, elephant, fish, dog, cat,
156, apple, grape, orange, banana, USA,
157, desk, chair, Canada, bench, table,
158, pasta, cereal, Mexico, rice, bread,
159, Brazil, scarf, gloves, hat, cap,
160, fish, bird, elephant, computer, dog,Listen
162, apple, notebook, paper, textbook, grapes,
163, mother, brother, sister, father, paper,
164, January, March, April, February, textbook,
165, hat, scarf, journal, gloves, cap,
166, bird, fish, marker, dog, elephant,
167, chair, pencil, crayon, table, bench,
168, New York, bread, rice, pasta, cereal,
169, apple, orange, grapes, banana, London,
170, hat, scarf, cap, gloves, Paris,
171, brother, father, mother, Tokyo, sister,
172, dog, elephant, bird, fish, grapes,
173, chair, desk, table, bread, bench,
174, apple, banana, orange, rice, grapes,
175, January, April, pasta, February, March,
176, scarf, hat, cap, gloves, cereal,
177, lion, brother, mother, father, sister,
178, bird, carrot, elephant, dog, fish,
179, chair, table, desk, broccoli, bench,
180, apple, spinach, banana, grape, orange,
181, hat, lettuce, gloves, scarf, cap,
182, pasta, bread, city, cereal, rice,
183, fish, bird, town, dog, elephant,
184, banana, village, apple, orange, grape,
185, table, desk, chair, suburb, bench,
186, cap, hat, gloves, scarf, laptop,
187, sister, father, brother, tablet, mother,
188, bird, elephant, fish, dog, smartphone,
189, desktop, apple, orange, banana, grape,
190, rice, camera, pasta, bread, cereal,
191, chair, table, desk, bench, lens,
192, gloves, hat, cap, tripod, scarf,
193, mother, sister, brother, flash, father,
194, fish, bird, dog, elephant, lamp,
195, grape, orange, apple, fan, banana,
196, desk, chair, heater, bench, table,
197, cereal, rice, bread, pasta, cooler,
198, scarf, gloves, hat, teacher, cap,
199, mother, sister, father, student, brother,
200, dog, bird, principal, elephant, fish,
202, chair, table, hammer, desk, bench,
203, rice, cereal, bread, pasta, saw,
204, hat, gloves, scarf, cap, wrench,
205, mother, sister, brother, pliers, father,
206, dog, elephant, fish, bird, butterfly,
207, grape, guitar, orange, apple, banana,
208, bench, piano, table, chair, desk,
209, cereal, drums, pasta, bread, rice,
210, hat, violin, scarf, gloves, cap,
211, brother, spaceship, mother, father, sister,
212, bird, dog, fish, elephant, pizza,
213, banana, apple, grape, orange, burger,
214, table, desk, sandwich, chair, bench,
215, rice, cereal, pasta, bread, hotdog,
216, hat, gloves, cap, scarf, helicopter,
217, mother, father, rose, brother, sister,
218, bird, elephant, fish, dog, tulip,
219, apple, daisy, orange, banana, grape,
220, chair, lily, table, desk, bench,
221, screwdriver, bread, rice, cereal, pasta,
222, scarf, gloves, stapler, hat, cap,
223, mother, dragon, sister, brother, father,
224, dog, bird, planet, elephant, fish,
225, apple, blanket, orange, grape, banana,
226, desk, cherry, table, chair, bench,
227, cereal, pasta, bread, tractor, rice,
228, gloves, hat, scarf, sweater, cap,
229, mother, sister, jacket, brother, father,
230, bird, fish, elephant, coat, dog,
231, banana, orange, apple, scarf, grape,
232, bench, desk, chair, kangaroo, table,
233, rice, bread, pasta, doctor, cereal,
234, scarf, gloves, hat, cap, nurse,
235, mother, father, dentist, sister, brother,
236, bird, fish, elephant, dog, surgeon,
237, grape, orange, apple, banana, star,
238, desk, chair, table, sun, bench,
239, cereal, moon, rice, pasta, bread,
240, hat, gloves, planet, scarf, cap,
242, bird, elephant, dog, blue, fish,
243, banana, grape, orange, green, apple,
244, yellow, desk, chair, table, bench,
245, pasta, city, cereal, bread, rice,
246, scarf, teacher, hat, gloves, cap,
247, mother, brother, father, sister, hammer,
248, bird, dog, nurse, elephant, fish,
249, apple, chicken, grape, banana, orange,
250, bench, table, dragon, desk, chair,
251, pasta, bread, rice, giraffe, cereal,
252, gloves, hat, city, cap, scarf,
253, mother, father, sister, brother, laptop,
254, bird, sun, fish, dog, elephant,
255, apple, banana, butter, grape, orange,
256, table, chair, teacher, desk, bench,
257, bread, rice, cereal, pasta, airplane,
258, scarf, gloves, hat, cap, sun,
259, sister, father, mother, principal, brother,
260, elephant, giraffe, dog, bird, fish,
261, librarian, apple, banana, orange, grape,
262, table, desk, chair, smart, bench,
263, cereal, plan, bread, rice, pasta,
264, scarf, village, hat, gloves, cap,
265, mother, brother, sister, father, car,
266, fish, dog, ship, bird, elephant,
267, banana, apple, orange, giraffe, grape,
268, chair, desk, table, city, bench,
269, screwdriver, rice, bread, pasta, cereal,
270, cap, gloves, hat, scarf, giraffe,
271, mother, butter, sister, father, brother,
272, elephant, dog, bird, stapes, fish,
273, apple, banana, screwdriver, orange, grape,
274, desk, butterfly, chair, bench, table,