1, When is the test? The test is on Friday., 2, When is the movie starting? The movie is starting at 7 PM., 3, When is the deadline? The deadline is next Monday., 4, When is the deadline? The deadline is in two days., 5, Where is your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant is downtown., 6, Where are the keys? The keys are on the kitchen counter., 7, When was the conference? The conference was last Tuesday., 8, When was the appointment? The appointment was this afternoon., 9, Where was the school? The school was on Elm Street., 10, Where was the pharmacy? The pharmacy was next to the grocery store., 11, Where is the vet? The vet is on Pine Street., 12, When was the show? The show was at 8 PM., 13, When was the class? The class was on Wednesday., 14, Where is the doctor? The doctor is in the clinic., 15, Where is your school? My school is near the library., 16, When is the workshop? The workshop is next week., 17, Where is your phone? My phone is on the desk., 18, Where is the bathroom? The bathroom is down the hall., 19, Where is your friend? My friend is in the library., 20, Where is your office? My office is downtown., 21, Where is the movie theater? The movie theater is downtown., 22, Where was your computer? My computer was on the desk., 23, Where is the cat? The cat is on the sofa., 24, Where is your next class? My next class is in room 205., 25, When is the holiday? The holiday is in November., 26, When is the flight? The flight is at 9 AM., 27, When was your birthday? My birthday was in June., 28, When is the conference? The conference is next Tuesday., 29, When was the recital? The recital was last month., 30, When is the class? The class is on Wednesday., 31, When is dinner ready? Dinner is ready at 6 PM., 32, Where is the train station? The train station is downtown., 33, When is the party? The party is on Saturday., 34, Where was the post office? The post office was across from the bank., 35, Where was your office? My office was downtown., 36, Where was John? John was in the kitchen., 37, When is the match? The match is on Sunday., 38, When was the holiday? The holiday was in November., 39, Where is your car parked? My car is parked in the garage., 40, When is your lunch break? My lunch break is at noon., 41, Where was your house? My house was on Elm Street., 42, When was the deadline? The deadline was two days ago., 43, Where was the meeting? The meeting was in the conference room., 44, Where were you from? I was from New York., 45, Where is the dog? The dog is in the yard., 46, Where is the café? The café is around the corner., 47, Where is the book? The book is on the table., 48, Where was your family? My family was at home., 49, When is the exam? The exam is on Monday., 50, Where was the bakery? The bakery was on 3rd Street.,
51, Where was your friend? My friend was in the library., 52, When is the launch? The launch is next week., 53, Where was your backpack? My backpack was in my room., 54, Where was the nearest store? The nearest store was two blocks away., 55, When is the seminar? The seminar is this Thursday., 56, When was your appointment? My appointment was at 2 PM., 57, Where is John? John is in the kitchen., 58, Where is the restaurant? The restaurant is on Main Street., 59, Where was the bathroom? The bathroom was down the hall., 60, When was the team meeting? The team meeting was at 4 PM., 61, When is the art exhibition? The art exhibition is next Saturday., 62, When is your vacation? My vacation is next month., 63, When was the sale? The sale was last weekend., 64, Where was Sarah? Sarah was at the gym., 65, Where was the fire station? The fire station was on Oak Street., 66, When did the movie start? The movie started at 7 PM., 67, When is the lecture? The lecture is on Friday., 68, Where is your house? My house is on Elm Street., 69, When was the test? The test was on Friday., 70, Where was he? He was in the house., 71, When is the game? The game is this weekend., 72, Where is the hospital? The hospital is near the park., 73, When is your birthday? My birthday is in June., 74, When is your appointment? My appointment is at 2 PM., 75, When was the meeting? The meeting was at 3 PM., 76, Where was your school? My school was near the library., 77, Where is the bank? The bank is on Main Street., 78, Where is the school? The school is on Elm Street., 79, Where is the bookstore? The bookstore is in the shopping center., 80, When is the meeting? The meeting is at 3 PM., 81, Where is the post office? The post office is across from the bank., 82, Where is your aunt? My aunt is at the hair salon., 83, Where is your uncle? My uncle is at the grocery store., 84, Where is the teacher? The teacher is in the classroom., 85, Where is the bus stop? The bus stop is on the corner., 86, When is the performance? The performance is this evening., 87, When is your meeting? My meeting is at 10 AM., 88, When was dinner ready? Dinner was ready at 6 PM., 89, Where is your family? My family is at home., 90, Where are you from? I am from New York., 91, When is the conference call? The conference call is at 3 PM., 92, When is the team meeting? The team meeting is at 4 PM., 93, When is the sale? The sale is this weekend., 94, Where is the grocery store? The grocery store is on 5th Avenue., 95, Where is the stadium? The stadium is downtown., 96, When was the game? The game was last weekend., 97, Where is your backpack? My backpack is in my room., 98, When was your checkup? My checkup was last week., 99, When is the train arriving? The train is arriving soon., 100, Where is Sarah? Sarah is at the gym.,
101, Where is the supermarket? The supermarket is on 5th Avenue., 102, When did the train arrive? The train arrived soon after., 103, Where is the nearest store? The nearest store is two blocks away., 104, When is your checkup? My checkup is next week., 105, Where were they? They were at the park., 106, When was the conference call? The conference call was at 3 PM., 107, Where was your friend? My friend was at school., 108, Where is your computer? My computer is on the desk., 109, Where was the library? The library was next to the school., 110, When was the workshop? The workshop was last week., 111, Where was your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant was downtown., 112, Where was the playground? The playground was in the park., 113, Where is the bank? The bank is on Main Street., 114, Where was the movie theater? The movie theater was downtown., 115, When was the party? The party was on Saturday., 116, Where was the car? The car was in the garage., 117, When was your meeting? My meeting was at 10 AM., 118, When did the bus depart? The bus departed 10 minutes ago., 119, Where was the bank? The bank was on Main Street., 120, Where was the church? The church was on Maple Street., 121, Where was the doctor? The doctor was in the clinic., 122, When was the match? The match was on Sunday., 123, When is the wedding? The wedding is in May., 124, Where is the flower shop? The flower shop is on Broadway., 125, When was your vacation? My vacation was last month., 126, When was your lunch break? My lunch break was at noon., 127, Where is the meeting? The meeting is in the conference room., 128, Where was the grocery store? The grocery store was on 5th Avenue., 129, When is the recital? The recital is next month., 130, Where is your father? My father is at the office., 131, Where is the bakery? The bakery is on 3rd Street., 132, When is he coming? He is coming tomorrow., 133, Where is your car parked? My car is parked in the driveway., 134, Where is your friend? My friend is at school., 135, When was the seminar? The seminar was last Thursday., 136, Where is the playground? The playground is in the park., 137, Where is the train station? The train station is downtown., 138, Where was the cat? The cat was on the sofa., 139, Where is the cat? The cat is on the sofa., 140, When are they leaving? They are leaving in an hour., 141, When was your anniversary? My anniversary was in December., 142, Where was the restaurant? The restaurant was on Main Street., 143, Where is the hospital? The hospital is near the park., 144, When is the soccer practice? The soccer practice is tomorrow evening., 145, Where is he? He is in the house., 146, Where is the museum? The museum is in the city center., 147, Where is the office? The office is in the city center., 148, Where are they? They are at the park., 149, When is the concert? The concert is tonight., 150, Where is the library? The library is next to the school.,
151, Where was the teacher? The teacher was in the classroom., 152, Where was the cat? The cat was on the sofa., 153, When was the performance? The performance was yesterday evening., 154, Where was the supermarket? The supermarket was on 5th Avenue., 155, When was the interview? The interview was yesterday morning., 156, Where is the hardware store? The hardware store is near the market., 157, Where was the dog? The dog was in the yard., 158, When is the package arriving? The package is arriving today., 159, Where is your brother? My brother is at the mall., 160, Where was your book? My book was on the shelf., 161, Where is the fire station? The fire station is on Oak Street., 162, When is the show? The show is at 8 PM., 163, Where was the park? The park was across the street., 164, Where was the train station? The train station was downtown., 165, Where is the music store? The music store is in the mall., 166, When did the package arrive? The package arrived today., 167, When is the rehearsal? The rehearsal is tonight., 168, When was the rehearsal? The rehearsal was last night., 169, When was the deadline? The deadline was last Monday., 170, When was the flight? The flight was at 9 AM., 171, Where is your mother? My mother is at home., 172, Where was the bus stop? The bus stop was on the corner., 173, Where was the dentist? The dentist was in the medical building., 174, When was the launch? The launch was last week., 175, Where is the hotel? The hotel is by the airport., 176, When is the bus departing? The bus is departing in 10 minutes., 177, When is the workshop? The workshop is this afternoon., 178, Where was your brother? My brother was at the mall., 179, When is your anniversary? My anniversary is in December., 180, Where is the pharmacy? The pharmacy is next to the grocery store., 181, When is the festival? The festival is in August., 182, Where was your car parked? My car was parked in the garage., 183, When is the interview? The interview is tomorrow morning., 184, Where is your book? My book is on the shelf., 185, Where was the hotel? The hotel was by the airport., 186, When was the festival? The festival was in August., 187, Where was your next class? My next class was in room 205., 188, Where is the park? The park is across the street., 189, When was the wedding? The wedding was in May., 190, Where is the car? The car is in the garage., 191, When was the soccer practice? The soccer practice was yesterday evening., 192, Where is your sister? My sister is at work., 193, Where is the barber? The barber is next to the bakery., 194, When was the art exhibition? The art exhibition was last Saturday., 195, When was the exam? The exam was on Monday., 196, When was the concert? The concert was last night., 197, When was the lecture? The lecture was on Friday., 198, Where is the beach? The beach is by the ocean., 199, Where was the hospital? The hospital was near the park., 200, Where is the dentist? The dentist is in the medical building., 201, Where is your cousin? My cousin is at the library., 202, Where was your phone? My phone was on the desk., 203, When is the appointment? The appointment is this afternoon., 204, Where is the church? The church is on Maple Street., 205, When was the workshop? The workshop was yesterday afternoon., 206, Where were the keys? The keys were on the kitchen counter., 207, Where was the book? The book was on the table., 208, Where was your sister? My sister was at work.,